May 2, 2009

※Bad habbits of the beginner(3)

Here are Chinese version and Japanese version.

※一週最愛Favorite of the week

90% of male beginners believe in "if I grab my opponent steady enough I am going to win it all", especially when the opponent is a skinny woman. In fact when it comes to Wing Chun's "keep changing all the time", grabbing opponent's hand means losing that hand to your opponent as well, not to mention your opponent can use your power to against you. In Wing Chun, usually we use "hook" or "stick" in order to control opponent's hands instead of "grab".

When Si-Xi thought he can grab Mao-Wen and pulls her to himself because he is more powerful than her, he is making a huge mistake. All Mao-Wen needs to do is lifting her elbows and follows his power, she can easily get out and hurt him.

3 of 3

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