He's Just Not That Into You (台譯:他其實沒那麼喜歡妳) 雖然在我的計分板上是排到超級大爛片一類,枉費那麼多有頭有臉大明星的參與。因為明星魅力互相拉扯加上劇本糟透的情況下,造就了這一部可怕的約會電影,簡直浪費地球資源到了極致,不是每個編劇都有寫出聰敏過人日出日落的俏皮對白,眾編劇們要有自知之明啊。
不過,再糟的電影總會隱藏一些道理,就像再壞的人總還帶點良知,He's Just Not That Into You 雖然主題糟對白糟演員糟故事糟,至少,Drew Barrymore 劇中所飾的 Mary 講了一段饒富深意的人話,把現代人簡單生活複雜過的忙碌風格一語道破:真是懷念以前單純的年代啊。
Rejected by 7 Different Technologies
That's not the point. I can't text.
You know, I'm not charming via text.
Maybe you should just stop texting.
But it's not just texting, it's e-mail.
It's voicemail. It's snail mail.
That's regular mail.
Whatever. None of it's working.
I had this guy leave me a voicemail
at work, so I called him at home.
And then he e-mailed me to my BlackBerry,
and so I texted to his cell.
Then he e-mailed me to my home account
and the whole thing just got out of control.
And I miss the days where you had one
phone number and one answering machine.
And that one answering machine
housed one cassette tape...
...and that one cassette tape either
had a message from the guy or it didn't.
And now you have to go around
checking all these different portals...
Just to get rejected by 7 different technologies.
It's exhausting.
Sep 9, 2010
He's Just Not That Into You
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