Apr 27, 2011



難道又是我跟不上時代的徵兆之一嗎? 當我向朋友抱怨怎麼沒早點把這麼好的音樂介紹給我時,得到的回答都是「她很紅啊我以為妳早就知道她」,大家這樣的想法讓我慢了十六年,晚了十六年才聽到這麼好的音樂。果然一個人的精力有限,貪心想當小博士一心欲知天下事,一個人實在很難做到面面俱到,以後還是請大家把所有聽起來神經質看起來華麗風的歌者作品都和我提提,不論其歌者有名與否吧。

對於這麼有名又紅了這麼久的椎名林檎,無需我來狗尾續貂貓尾加料多說些什麼了。這年頭願意買 CD 的人已經很少,會讓人心甘情願掏錢買 CD 的歌手更少,不過即使完整聽完了椎名這張「平成風俗」,我呆呆地跑到店裡買了這張 CD,也算她的魅力無邊吧。




I know I don't quite measure up against you
The whole context in which we met was innocent
Your charming ways deserve the blame for our time
It wasn't me who led your words spoke confidence

One long day it came with a rush
We've tied ourselves up together,
but the knot is loose

I adore the way your face breaks out into a smile
Like a flower in spring that blooms to life so radiant
I can't forget your lush sweet lips that kiss me
How many are the men charmed by your elegance

Whom have you worked this magic on before?
Let it be only me forever since I want it more
Give it only to me please

So smile come put your lips right next to mine
Moonlight showers down on you like flower blossoms
Come on right now, lay down with me and sing lullabies
Somehow let me live this dream with you, endlessly

You're quick and bright so pacify my complaints
You hide your thoughts and shroud yourself in mystery
You've never learned what deep inside I'm craving
When you leaned against my shoulder I did notice it

When did you make a hole inside of me?
Trapped in this room, suffocating in your niceties
I'm losing my mind to more fits of jealousy

Now cry come put your lips right next to mine
High tide, I'm swimming in a sea of your tears
Come on right now, no need to treat me nice anymore
Somehow I want to hide myself somewhere away from you

So smile come put your lips right next to mine
Moonlight showers down on you like flower blossoms
Come on right now, lay down with me and sing lullabies
Somehow let me live this dream with you, endlessly

同專輯裡的另一首英文歌 「カリソメ乙女」 也是古典含蓄近乎完美,其音樂片令人激賞,可惜原來的影片因為版權問題已被 YouTube 封鎖。看看人家的公司多麼認真地推銷自家天后啊,就算椎名已紅遍半邊天,公司也不會隨隨便把演唱會後台嬉鬧的畫面隨意剪成一支音樂片,還節省地用三場演唱會的幕後花絮剪成七支音樂片,還好人家有實力不然豈有出頭天? 其他英文歌夠快夠活力的還有「錯亂」,尤其中間一段快版的鋼琴伴奏實在很 Tizzy Bac。至於另一首半死不活的「茎」,實在不是我的菜了。
