Oct 22, 2008

燥狂孩子王Kate Nash

孩子氣又具侵略性,而且讓人丟大臉… 讓我想到 Kate Nash 這首歌。這裡特別貼上不乾淨版,完全沒消音。

Foundations - Kate Nash

Thursday night, everything's fine, except you've got that look in your eye
When I'm tellin' a story and you find it boring,
You're thinking of something to say.
You'll go along with it then drop it and humiliate me in front of our friends.

Then I'll use that voice that you find annoyin' and say something like
"yeah, intelligent input, darlin', why don't you just have another beer then?"

Then you'll call me a b**ch
And everyone we're with will be embarrassed,
And I wont give a s**t.

My finger tips are holding onto the cracks in our foundation,
And I know that I should let go,
But I can't.
And everytime we fight I know it's not right,
Everytime that you're upset and I smile.
I know I should forget, but I can't.

You said I must eat so many lemons
'cause I am so bitter.
I said
"i'd rather be with your friends mate 'cause they are much fitter."

Yes, it was childish and you got aggressive,
And I must admit that I was a bit scared,
But it gives me thrills to wind you up.

My finger tips are holding onto the cracks in our foundation,
And I know that I should let go,
But I can't.
And everytime we fight I know it's not right,
Everytime that you're upset and I smile.
I know I should forget, but I can't.

Your face is pasty 'cause you've gone and got so wasted, what a surprise.
Don't want to look at your face 'cause it's makin' me sick.
You've gone and got sick on my trainers,
I only got these yesterday.
Oh, my gosh, I cannot be bothered with this.

Well, I'll leave you there 'til the mornin',
And I purposely wont turn the heating on
And dear God, I hope I'm not stuck with this one.

My finger tips are holding onto the cracks in our foundation,
And I know that I should let go,
But I can't.
And everytime we fight I know it's not right,
Everytime that you're upset and I smile.
I know I should forget, but I can't.


阿莫將是小獨唯一的父親/男性形象… 好好學學如何邊睡邊瑜珈吧。


咦? 誰在吵?



三鞭:咳咳咳咳咳… ①




有時更強更壯更大更多並不是好事,就是大還要更大多還要更多的觀念,讓現代科技將人類一步步帶向毀滅… 又是題外話了。

更多的題外話:當不同意對方,把對方當敵人時就可以任意出手攻擊,而且還可以眾暴寡,打完又不認帳的豎仔充斥人間… 台灣是否已成為一個以暴制暴的社會了呢?

據說大麻抽多的男性會有女性化的傾向 ( 像是說話舉止更輕柔,也比較沒有攻擊性,這和栽種大麻時所用的肥料含有荷爾蒙有關 ),也許男多於女的國家應該有條件地開放大麻合法,然後強制有暴力傾向的男性去抽大麻當作治療,當然是強迫付費
療程… 題外話題外話…
