Jun 5, 2008

13 steps (9) (Rerun in English)

Ninth step: Cloud hand swinging
There are 3 parts in this step, which are top, middle, and down. Two feet have to be 2 shoulders width apart. Keep the head looking forward, neck is upright. Four fingers combine together and let the thumb slightly apart each hand. Left hand raises to eyebrow’s level, and palm faces to self. Right hand puts next to the waist, and palm outwards. We called it “yin” when your palm faces to yourself, and called it “yang” when your palm faces outward. We need to distinguish yin and yang with your hands clearly. So left hand is yin and right hand is yang for the opening position.

First part is to turn your body from right to left with your waist. Your eyes follow your hands, and your hands follow your waist. Your left hand will slowly moving down, and your right hand will slowly moving up when you can’t turn your body anymore. It’s like your hands are drawing 2 semicircles at the same time. One is drawing from top, the other one is drawing from below. It’s like drawing a Taiji circle (please see the graphic about “cloud hand stand” below). Let two hands switch from yin to yang, and from yang to yin. Rotate your palms slowly, until your left hand is yang, right hand is yin. Then repeat the movement for 5 times.

The second part is still using the waist to make your body turns. From right to left, this time is pulling with your left hand and pushing with your right hand while your body is turning. Left hand is pulling toward to the back of your left-hand-side, right hand is pushing toward to the front of your left-hand-side at the same time, and vice versa. Pulling with your right hand and pushing with your left hand while your body is turning. Repeat it 5 times.

The third part is to squat down first, use your waist and knees to shift your whole body from right to left. You need to distinguish the difference between solid foot and void foot while shifting your body. When your whole body is on the right side, your left foot doesn’t use any power at all. It may be very hard to shift your body from right to left since your knees may not be strong enough to lift up your bodyweight when you just start practicing. Your knees will get strong enough after a week. Please be patient and do it really slow.

Blue line indicates YIN, orange line indicates YANG. Please pay attention on the third person, when he rotates his hands, YIN and YANG are switched.

The first part came from a real Taiji pose called "cloud hand swing".
If keep the waist still, it's called "cloud hand stand".


To Be Continued...

十三操(九) (リノベーション)

第九式: 雲手
2倍 に広げて立ちます。顔はまっすぐ前に向けて、首もまっすぐ伸ばします。親指以外の指はくっつけて、親指だけ少し離します。左手を肘の高さまでもってきて、 手のひらを自分の方へ向けます。右手は手のひらを外に向けてウエストの位置に置きます。手のひらが自分の方へ向いている時は陰、外側へ向いている時は陽と 呼びます。陰陽の区別をしっかりつけてこの動きをしなければいけません。左手は陰、右手は陽が始めのポジションです。



下段はまず腰をかがめます。腰と膝を 使って体全体を右から左へと動かしてください。体を左右へ動かす時、力をいれている脚とそうでない脚を認識しなければなりません。全体の体が右側にある 時、左脚は力を全く使いません。練習し始めの頃は体重を支えるほどの力がないかもしれないので左右へ体を動かすのは簡単ではありません。1週間練習すれば 膝は強くなります。我慢してゆっくり続けてみてください。




To B
e Continued...

13 steps (8) (Rerun in English)

Eighth step: Body shaking
Relax your body first, use the strength from your knees and start to shake your whole body. 30 to 50 times.


To Be Continued...

十三操(八) (リノベーション)

第八式: 抖功(シェイクボディ)


To Be Continued...

十三操(七) (リノベーション)




To Be Continued...

13 steps (7) (Rerun in English)

Seventh step: Arms swinging
Make the back of your hands face yourself. Two arms swing to the back. Start swinging your arms harder when your arms and body become parallel. Pull your arms back to the first position when you arms can't go any further back. Repeat it 20 times.


To Be Continued...

世界環境日 World Environment Day


如何教貓使用馬桶(一) How to train your cat to use toilet



First at all, this is the layout of my bathroom. There are bathtub, toilet, toilet paper rack, and washbasin. Trash can and door are on the bottom. The small circle on the ground is floor drain.
I was using pine pellet cat litter before, the one can be dissolved by water. The reason I chose pine pellet cat litter was because it's smell better and more natural. I got 4 cats and they are 8 yrs, 5 yrs, 3 yrs, and 1 yr old, and all of them are adopted from animal shelter,
everyone knows how to use toilet!!

Well, I guess all cats are arrogant and hard to train. Please don't try it at home when you are not patient+perseverance+with a bit of imagination+creative+have some free time.





Orange number 1 used to be the place I placed the litter box. Since I laready put a number on it, let's call it First step.



Here is the important part:
Second step, move the litter box next to the toilet
, that's orange number 2.
Left the litter box here for 3 to 4 days, let your cat knows you have moved the litter box to somewhere else.
Then, slowly put something under the litter box, make the litter box as high as the toilet eat.




As arrogant as cats can be, they will have to adjust themselves go to the new place for peepee and poopoo.
Thanks 2005 for demonstration.


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