Sep 29, 2010

觀 Garden State 有感

由 Zach Braff 自編自導自演的 Garden State (台譯:情歸紐澤西),是一部評價超高高到離譜的電影,評價這樣高的原因之也許因為這是 Zach 的處女作吧。這是一部一路看來十分平順的電影,卻感覺不到它的偉大,或許只有美國人才看得出這種電影了不起之處吧? 這樣平淡的電影看完就忘了劇情(倒是忘不了 Natalie Portman 的兩根辮子和那部綠色側邊車)。

直到看了(500) Days of Summer 時才又想起了 Garden State ,兩部電影都有一種青春世代的苦澀,尤其兩部電影的原聲帶都出奇地耐聽,只不過 Garden State 的原聲帶得到了 Grammy Award (葛來美獎)的肯定,(500) Days of Summer 是電影本身得到了多項肯定。

也有四分鐘版 Garden State/Let Go

Frou Frou - Let Go

Drink up baby down
Are you in or are you out?
Leave your things behind
'Cause it's all going off without you
Excuse me, too busy, oh writing your tragedy
These mishaps you bubble wrap
When you've no idea what you're like

So let go, jump in
Oh well, whatcha waiting for?
It's alright
'Cause there's beauty in the breakdown
So let go, just get in
Oh, it's so amazing here
It's alright
'Cause there's beauty in the breakdown

It gains the more it gives
And then it rises with the fall
So hand me that remote
Can't you see that all that stuff's a sideshow?
Such boundless pleasure
We've no time for later now
You can't await your own arrival
You've 20 seconds to comply

So let go, jump in
Oh well, whatcha waiting for?
It's alright
'Cause there's beauty in the breakdown
So let go, just get in
Oh, it's so amazing here
It's alright
'Cause there's beauty in the breakdown

Hang your head your head High
Hang your head your head mm hey-yeah-yay
Hang your head your head High
Hang your head your head mm hey-yeah-yay

So let go, jump in
Oh well, whatcha waiting for?
It's alright
'Cause there's beauty in the breakdown
So let go, just get in
Oh, it's so amazing here
It's alright
'Cause there's beauty in the breakdown

Mmm Breakdown,
Cause There's beauty in the breakdown
Mmm hey-yeah-yay Breakdown, So amazing here.
Cause there's beauty in the breakdown


puffdad said...

嗨~ 我剛看完(500) Days of Summer, 便想起了好幾年前看過的Garden State. 無心地在Google上翻翻Garden State的資料, 沒想到能發現對這兩部片有同樣感想與連結的人. 忍不住浮出水面跟您問個好~

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