May 29, 2008

Taiji 13 steps (Rerun in English)

I met this interesting Sifu Zhou on January 2007, had learned this interesting exercise called Taiji 13 steps. It is different than other Taiji style 13 steps people usually see on the Internet. Taiji style 13 steps is created for Osteoporosis by Hong Kong Taiji Study Society, and Sifu Zhou's 13 steps will increase your immune system . The effect of Sifu Zhou's 13 steps is for your energy and spirit, we called it 精氣神, and when you are energized, your immute system will be better. According to Sifu Zhou, if you practice this exercise (the one Sifu Zhou had taught me) everyday, you can reverse aging process within three months, and feel like reborn within six months...

I didn't believe in Sifu Zhou 100% at the beginning, but how the heck? Why not give him/me three months and see how is everything goes?


To Be Continued...

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