Eleventh step: Drum beating
Two feet have to be 2 shoulders width apart. Relax your whole body, close up your mouth, and raise your hands. gather up all your strength to your fists. Then use the power of your waist leads your fists to beat on both armpits, heart, and both hipbones randomly. Try to beat on those 5 spots harder and harder with your mouth closed. Beat on each spot 5 times.
To Be Continued...
Jun 6, 2008
13 steps (11) (Rerun in English)
十三操(十一) (リノベーション)
太極能打否? Can Taiji fight? 太極で戦えますか?
Since then, I had practiced 13 steps with Sifu Zhou at Zhong Jiang park at 5 am every morning. After 3 weeks, Sifu Zhou started to teach usTaiji walk. Of course Taiji walk is much harder than 13 steps, some people were gone after few days.
周師父說,太極步走的好,太極拳才能打的好。我還不到想養生的年紀,心想如果學太極步是為了學太極拳,學太極拳是為了養生…除了養生我還需要些其他的動力…於是我就問周師父: 太極拳可以用來防身嗎?
周師父笑了笑說: 當然可以,光是雲手就可以用來防身了。
According to Sifu Zhou, you have to walk Taiji walk well enough, then you can do Taiji well. I am not old enough to look after my heath seriously. So I was thinking, if Taiji walk is the foundation of Taijiquan (Chinese shadowboxing), and practice Taijiquan is for one's own health... I need more motivation... So I asked: can I use Taijiquan to defend myself?
Sifu Zhou smiled and said, of course, you can defend yourself by simply using cloud hand swing.
Then he started to demonstrate:
The hand above (yin) can resist your enemy's fist coming from top to bottom, and when you combine the power of turning waist, you can unload the power of your enemy.

And when your enemy tries to kick you, lower hand (yang) plus the power of turning waist, you can make your enemy unsteady by unloading his power too.
Those are advanced Taijiquan movements, it's not as easy as it looks.
From my understanding afterwards, it's really not that easy to hurt people with Taijiquan techniques.
stories behind 13 steps 3 of 4
13 steps (10) (Rerun in English)
Tenth step: Muscle loosens
Two feet have to be 2 shoulders width apart. Stretch two legs and bent down. First slap on the back of your legs (inside, the green lines area) , from top to bottom then from bottom to top 5 times. Then slap on the front of your legs (outside, the orange lines area), from top to bottom then from bottom to top 5 times.

After slapping your legs, do not get up right away. Keep your body still and put your hands on the knees, then start bodding your body up and down 5 times, then shaking from left to right 5 times.
To Be Continued...
十三操(十) (リノベーション)
如何教貓使用馬桶(二)How to train your cat to use toilet
If you missed episode one
How to train your cat to use toilet(1)
If you want to see the case study
Everyone knows how to use toilet!!
Next, make sure your cat knows where the new litter box is (it takes 3 to 4 days to let cat understands each step, and it depends on how many cats in the house)
Thanks 2005 again for his lovely demonstration.
Third step, remove the litter box from number 2 to toilet seat, which is on orange number 3.
If your cat knows this new place, give it 3 to 4 days to get used to it. Then, you can throw the litter box away!
Of course you can't just throw the litter box away, just move it away... since you may need it someday sometimes. Sometimes when you have too many cats in one household, each step takes more times than 3 to 4 days.
Not to mention the money you are saving for the litter, but also remember that you don't need to carry those heavy litter from the pet shop ever again, you don't need to poopoo-digging ever again. Be patient, it's worth it.
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