Preface: I have been lazy about translating my articles into English for awhile, since SKY is back, I guess it's good to let her start working for the blog as well :P.
Start from this week, I'll pick an article and make it as my favorite of the week every Saturday. So please bear with my English (since it's not my first language), all I would like to do is just introducing Taipei to people who can't read Chinese.
I guess I'll start with good food in delicacy section today since Taiwan is famous by its delicious food all over the world.
Here is Chinese version if you would like to relive the sensation again.
※一週最愛Favorite of the week
This is a great dining place with old-fashioned taste near by Yong-Le market(永樂市場) . The environment around is a bit messy, people come and go but most of the time there are full of people. The address of this place is No.3, Minle St., Datong District, Taipei City.(北市大同區民樂街三號)
It's too bad the map is in Chinese, only have simplified map in English. You can always look up places by addresses, it's always a challenge to look for something in a foreign city, especially in Taipei.
I introduced this dinning place to my Japanese friends (which are SKY's mom and her friend). SKY's mom runs a business in the fish market and she knows seafood the best. When I took them to this place and had Tetrapturus (旗魚, I am not sure this is the right word. It's fish anyway) rice noodle, both of them loved it. Even the friend of SKY's mom was a typical Japanese lady, she got the bowl of the noodle and ate up everything in the bowl. They didn't speak a word of Chinese, still they came all the way to praise the cook of this dining place.
Actually the side dish is good here, and all of them are deep-dried stuff. It was hot when I re-visited here so I didn't order it at all.
The rice noodle here is longer and thinner than the one we use to have in East Taipei. A chunk of fish meat but not so fishy taste, then add some shallot (紅蔥頭? not so sure ) and leeks, one of the best fishy rice noodle I ever have for years!Food comment board
Dec 6, 2008
※ Rice noodle on Minle St.⑩
當然還有號稱詠春十八手的耕攤拉拍按攔膀標托、捆圈護伏枕接抬窒問,其實詠春的手式實在不只這些,這些不過是比較重要的。然而就像考試畫重點般因為每個都重要愈畫愈多,畫到後來整本書都是紅線,畫不畫其實都一樣… 要是由我這一年級生(學習詠春剛滿一年囉)來選的話,妙問詠春四手應為捆(攤、膀)耕攔伏。
既然林先生打得漂亮 (這對詠春來說還真難能可貴)又正確,這裡就借他的動作來示範一下。
1 of 2
過手見招拆招篇: 攔手(四)
(04)得力借力,當二仁左手使力的同時也就是妙問轉馬借力使出撲翼掌的時候。此時不但有妙問己身的力( 橘色 )還加上二仁拉回的力( 粉紅色 )。
To Be Continued...