Oct 3, 2008

過手見招拆招篇: 伏手













The first 2 to 3 weeks of October is the best time of the year in Taipei when typhoon is not coming.

Enjoy... while we can...

★ Taiwaneses' bad habits-(02) Love to point

It's rude to point at others noses. However Taiwanese thought pointing is a great way to express oneself. I guess it's all right to point when you try to tell others directions. After awhile, Taiwanese get used to point while they are talking, walking, and eating, then it starts to get annoying.

Even though the public people in Taiwan will point fingers to others. Sometimes I wonder, if it's that we Taiwanese don't care about pointing and be pointed at all?

There is a Chinese old saying: make people want to point with their hair, which means when a guy had done a lot of bad things, only use fingers to point at him it's not enough, we have to use our hair to point. Aren't we love to point or what?

★: Articles that Rerun in English

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