The biggest problem of we Taiwanese is we always think we are fluke. We always feel that we won't be so damn lucky to take the fall anyway. Therefore, there are tons of harmless bad and evil all over Taiwan.
Of course one of the reason is that the police like to start with harmless stuff in Taiwan. In the graphic, Tai-di was not only riding a motorcycle without a helmet, but also made a right turn when it was red light ( it's illegal in Taiwan) overspeeded and rode like a snake-walking. But police won't see all that when it was right in front of him, nevertheless he wrote a ticket to Grandma Tai, is that right? Tai-di got lucky this time, again. However, can Tai-di be this lucky all the time? Everyone would say I won't be out of luck this time, next time, the time after next time, until the end of the world, when it came to the light.
People who are littering and peeing on the streets have the same principal, they think they won't get caught forever. Who would have seen it and who would have caught it anyway? Once there are more and more people think this way in this society, there is no order at all.
Overall, Taiwanese are friendly, kind, hard-working after all. There are only few evil member of the herd. Hopefully those people will awaken or die soon, so we will have a better tomorrow.
★: Articles that Rerun in English
The End
Afterword: Taiwan police have some ugly summer uniforms. Taiwanese never take uniforms seriously, I think it's about to change since a lot of people have to wear uniform everyday, why don't they make wearing-uniform-to-work more pleasure?
Nov 28, 2008
★ Taiwaneses' bad habits-(10)Pure luck or what
每次新學期開始時,狄師父或多或少都會叫我上場表演一番給台下的新生見識見識。不是我武藝多麼精湛,只因為我個矮人小,當然還有我是個女的,對於這類表演性質大於實質意義的示範總是讓我有點不知所措。武術舞蹈音樂表演等等都是需要有一定的表演慾,或是基於一種傳道授業解惑的神聖使命感,才能真正從容不迫完成所有動作吧。一位稱職的好老師一定是位完美的表演家,張愛玲九歲的時候就在「躊躇著不知道應當選擇音樂或美術作她終生的事業」。她說:「看了一張描寫窮困的畫家的影片後,我哭了一場,決定做一個鋼琴家,在富麗堂皇的意樂廳裡演奏。」畢竟她是個天生的表演家而我只是個學畫畫的。狄師父曾說過,在相同的元素下一個人怎麼可能超過自己的師父? 如果想要超過自己的師父就得具創造性,從既定的元素裡發展出屬於自己的東西,如此才能青出於藍。
還是少談題外話了,總而言之是要有些許的表演慾才能當一位好老師,而要有創造性才能超越好老師。前幾天上課時資深陳同學說要把小念頭拆開來打(這樣的說法可算是創造性吧)… 啊,我完全沒這樣想過… 接著他就虎虎生風地將小念頭裡的招式拆開來打(這就是我所謂的表演慾或說是可以適時藉由肢體表達自己)…我大概明白卻又不明白他的意思,他說因為班上有些人被小念頭困住了,所以他勸這些人如是做… 難道這又是性別差異嗎? 難道我沒先拆小念頭再出招嗎? 應該都已潛移默化不經大腦了吧。都說男性的腦袋較理性,女性的腦袋較感性,如果說放鬆跟著感覺走較偏向感性思考,那麼當理性腦袋運作時就得以文釋文了吧?
仔細想想我見招拆招的招居然都是小念頭裡的招! 大概和我「視覺記憶法」的腦有關吧。這樣講雖然有點可笑,不過當我在過手時,可從沒想過從小念頭裡拆招。如果先從小念頭拆出去再打出來顯然就來不及了,也許這些被困住的同學是小念頭不夠熟的關係?